
Enclosure Kiosk – Standard or custom units?

When a client decides to deploy a kiosk, the easy part is done. Now is the time you are bombarded with questions and here are the answers to those questions.

You will certainly be asked, “what sort of enclosure to be used? What works best? And how much will it cost?” The best answer is that it depends upon the application, location and funding.

Enclosure design is one of the key factors in selecting an enclosure, these are perfect for standard enclosures that are pre built offering a wide range of functionality, these are produced in quantities by the manufacturers.

A custom enclosure are unique, they are purpose built for a specific task to match the customers demands. These tend to have a longer lead in period and certainly cost more than a standard enclosure, as all the bends, welds and cutting settings are one offs requiring individual attention throughout production.

Custom units are less common due to the cost implications; however they do allow companies considerable latitude on design. Enclosure manufacturers estimate that roughly 80 percent of their product is for standard units.

A quick look guide on comparing custom with standard enclosures.

Standard Kiosk Features
Pre designed
Pre built exteriors
Quick to produce
Lower cost

Custom Kiosk Features
Unique design
Specific look and feel
Longer lead time
More expensive

You can have the most elaborate kiosk, but if the software is no good or difficult to use, you are wasting your money. You will also need to bear in mind location, footprint and application.

For example a kiosk that is wall mounted may not be suitable for an application that calls for the kiosk to be floor standing.

LCD Enclosure Global are one of the worlds leading manufacturers of video walls to interactive kiosks. LCD Enclosure Global offer affordable solutions call them on 888-460-3573 to discuss your application.

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