
Digital Signage and an Outdoor LCD Enclosure

Now there is an operational efficiency that is associated with digital signage, no longer do we use printed signs, as these take longer to produce and then it takes time for staff to put the static posters in the right locations. Once dynamic signage is connected using Internet Protocol this permits the instant updating of the networked screens.

Once you have created the content and there are many software packages out there if you want to download some free digital signage software.

The content can then be configured to update at particular times and dates to suit the target audience and the products promoted. For example a store may have a “weekend sale”, so the content is scheduled to update to the default campaign at the end of Sunday, removing all sale content throughout the store, this obviously saves time and money is time!

Digital Signage Network Content.
As signage networks get larger in scale, the demand for more sophisticated content management software becomes essential for the success of the signage network.

Dynamic Signage Security.
Always ensure you have someone working within the company who has full access to the signage content management, preferably someone with Flash knowledge so they can do every day changes should these be required.

Now the above is perfect for any indoor digital signage project, however things are similar but different when used on outdoor digital signage.

Outdoor digital signage.
This is normally in areas that have high foot traffic, such as airports, ferry terminals, train stations and restaurants. Now due to these facilities being open almost 24 hours except the restaurants they need to have some sort of protective LCD case to protect the television from the weather. There are alternatives, such as purchasing a weatherproof LCD TV, but in most cases the price is the restricting factor, with some displays costing as much as £9,000.

If you used an outdoor LCD enclosure or plasma enclosure, you can use a standard none commercial display, this may be a more cost effective solution. The reason is that the enclosure will offer the protection required by the screen, from the weather, vandals and potentially theft, but you will have to make sure that the unit has cooling as well as heating and that it is thermostatically controlled so that once it is set you can leave it.

Putting an electronic sign outdoors will increase your brand awareness, as well as your bottom line, as this will be your 24/7 salesperson that never takes a day off sick. You can still upload the content via the internet and you can even use wireless connectivity as well as wired connectivity for the Internet, the only difference is that you are not tied to inside the store.

LCD Enclosure Global are the Worlds leading manufacturer of dustproof LCD enclosures, providing solutions throughout the world.

For European enquiries call +44 844 3578687 and US enquiries call toll free on 888-460-3573.

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