Archive for the 'Interactive digital signage' Category


Hotel digital signage solutions

It is a fact that hotel digital signage solutions have changed the way hotels, restaurants and inns operate as it is helping them to advertise their promotions and at the same time provide valuable information for navigating the hotel lobbies at an affordable cost.


Advertising kiosks – various types

There are several advertising kiosks are present in the markets that can bring positive results for a company. Indoor advertising kiosk is one of the most common kiosks that are usually seen in showrooms, malls and retail outlets where the products sold by the stores are displayed.


Interactive digital advertising due to increase in 2012

In the last few years there has been an upcoming trend in the growth of interactive digital advertising all over the world. This year i.e. in 2012 it is set to reach another level with more and more technology which are new in nature are implemented in digital advertising in order to make them attractive for the potential customers.


Digital Signage Totem the Free Standing Outdoor Solution

Digital signage is becoming exceedingly important day by day. These days’ solutions such as the digital signage totem allow all businesses to deploy an advertising campaign outdoors in any type of weather,


Interactive Digital Signage – Making Any Surface Interactive

Interactive digital signage has been around for some time from interactive digital posters and kiosks, but now using the latest in technology any surface can be used to be used as an interactive digital signage solution.


Digital Signage Used To Combat Crime

Digital signage has many uses, but recently digital signage has been used to combat crime, learn how digital signage can reduce crime in your area.


Retail digital signage the new indoor advertising solution

Retail digital signage is fast dominating the field of digital signage, due to the ability and need to provide customers with information on products that are on offer, due to overstocks or due to current demand.


Interaction in the restaurant and in-store

Interactive digital signage is seeking a tremendous growth in the past 6 months, as organizations are understanding that it is easier for consumers to interact using dynamic advertising.


Advertising kiosk- a method to advertise your business

An advertising kiosk is a perfect way to engage with customers new and old as well as marketing new products to them.


Interactive kiosk for digital signage

Interactive kiosks can be used for either indoor or outdoor digital signage, used with interaction.