
QR codes+SMS=digital signage

QR codes the simple equation that turns a profit.

QR codes coupled with SMS messaging are being used by a company to combine digital signage with mobile Facebook users.

QR codes could be the answer.

An Irish company (Betapond) have made digital signage in retail outlets interactive by integrating the shoppers smartphones to the digital signage application within the retail outlet. Now this is when the brand managers and marketers come into their own as now they can offer the shoppers discount coupons and other promotions through the mobile telephone platform. From being rewarded for taking quick surveys to enter treasuring hunts, customers can use their mobile phone to make online transactions and then post social comments about their experience online whilst still in store.

There are other organisations who have created apps for Twitter, etc to engage with digital signage so brand managers can market to their target audience and their friends on Facebook and other social networking sites.

What are QR codes?

QR codes

These QR codes are pieces of static information in the form of a group of black and white blobs as below.

This image can be scanned using a mobile or cell phone and can then provide information such as special offers, additional information such as on business cards can be linked to social profiles.

Some digital signage integrators have been using proximity marketing and this integrates with the SMS messing used by mobile and cell phones so using them together can be great for increasing brand awareness for example at a restaurant, people can scan the QR codes or send an SMS message to get discount vouchers on the menu for future visits to the restaurants.

Proximity marketing is used to advertise to mobile and cell phone owners who pass by the hardware or are in range of it, it then broadcasts a message to the phone user in the form of a discount, this could be a free coffee with a bacon roll or a discount haircut.

QR codes, SMS and Proximity marketing.

The hardware is available for this type of marketing and will certainly separate you from your competitors when you start using it, so which hardware and software application will you use?

We offer a range of digital signage solutions including QR codes solutions.

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