
How Digital Signage Works Well For Staff

Finally, technology allows an updated system for staff to collate patient information, with out the desk busting amount of paperwork usually associated with large numbers of the public. It provides a slicker, cost effective and safer working environment with less stress for staff. The process is that much quicker than the traditional ‘pen and paper’ approach, requires less staff and less space for filing. Transferring data from multi-page forms onto a computerised system by a clerk, takes unnecessary man hours and the chances of errors increased. Although scanning facilities do exist, these are not without many problems, for example identifying a patients’ style of handwriting, or marks on the paper and translating this information into a manageable and meaningful format. By colour coding altered or new sections of information, staff can note any changes easily, ensuring it is accurate, complete and in the correctly entered.

Self-service LCD displays make patient records more accurate and up to date and considering the amount of patients on a database, this is an enormous amount of duplicate tasking and paperwork. This automated check-in facility eliminates one of the biggest problems facing the health-care sector, that of duplicate records, which is a billion dollar problem.

Another benefit of a patient facing device is the collection of data, for example in the case of cancer patients. Far more information was captured using electronic records than would have been by paperwork. This has led to creating one of the country’s first comprehensive genetic cancer data warehouses, whilst holding important drug research and treatment data banks and releasing crucial data for clinical trials and studies.

Having this immediate information results in the most effective and higher quality of care and treatment for the patient. Eliminating excessive paperwork enabled staff to do their job of caring, it also cut down significantly on the costs associated with the paper based system. Interactive, patient self-serve facilities replace the expense of printing, scanning, storing and destroying of medical records.

LCD Enclosure Global are the leading manufacturers of LCD monitor enclosures that used in the digital outdoor signage industry.

LCD Enclosure Global -anything else is a compromise.
“Manufactured in the UK – Supported in the USA & Australia”.

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