
Does Digital Signage Need Audio?

Some people think that sound is not an issue and an outdoor digital signage solution is efficient enough without it – how wrong they are…

The problem here is that when you use digital signage no matter if it is indoors or outside, you must target the senses, the more senses you target the more efficient the advertising campaign will be.

As an example, if you target potential viewers just by video, the campaign will only be a third effective, now add sound and it is up to two third, if you can add smell you can certainly raise the ad results dramatically. Saying that if you had all three parts to a campaign you would notice an increase in sales however you would not 100% results.

One main problem with indoor digital signage is that the constant sales message will inevitably drive the employees who work in the sale area as the digital posters crazy and will possibly get turned off, but outside is a totally different case.

The people who claim that sound is not essential to a digital signage solution are the companies who do not have technology to offer it, LCD Enclosure Global who manufactures outdoor LCD enclosures for the outdoor digital signage market have developed a unit that incorporates stereo internal speakers that are specifically designed for outdoor use to IP65.

Now any digital signage integrator can offer it to their clients and it can even be used to play backing music or pipe music what ever the client wishes. An option they are working on is to offer customers the facility to mute the sound or lower the sound if it becomes too intrusive, this is being tested in several shopping mall car parks in Florida.

This is another way digital signage can contribute to increased sales and more loyal customers.

LCD Enclosure Global – anything else is a compromise.

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